Why the Mental Illness Community Should Share Their Story

Over the last three months, I have shared more about my life than ever imagined was possible. It has been the most therapeutic experience in my life.

In the past week, I have started to begin the process of expanding The Bipolar Writer into sharing other bloggers stories with their mental illness in the form of feature articles.

Before that, I want to talk about why we should never be afraid to tell our mental health story. I understand that not everyone is in a place where they can share every aspect of their story at this point, but when you are ready you should consider opening up on even on the most controversial topics.

I think the best thing I have done in 2017 was finding my place writing on my blog where I can share my life. I can write here, and expand later in my memoir. It’s like beta testing topics and getting the feedback that I need.

But beyond that, I never imagined that the therapeutic process of blogging my mental illness life could have so many positive effects on my daily life.


The other part of sharing your story is that it helps take away the negative stigma that comes with having a mental illness. I used to believe that being Bipolar was a bad thing a long time ago. I fed into the negative stigma and hid my writing from the world. But as I began writing my screenplay, my blog, and now my memoir it has given me a new perspective.

What I have learned from my fellow bloggers is there are so many like-minded people that want to share their story. We all have our own unique perspective to share within the mental illness community. I can share my story, and it may parallel your own, but you may have something different to add to the same topic because you went a different route.

I can’t imagine giving up my blog because I have met so many amazing bloggers along the way that can empathize with my own plight. I think together we can band together and work towards changing how people who have never been in our shoes look at us. One word at a time.

With that said, what are some of the most important subjects that we should be writing about on our blogs?

Always Keep Fighting.

J.E. Skye

Photo Credit:

unsplash-logoNghia Le
unsplash-logoThought Catalog


62 thoughts on “Why the Mental Illness Community Should Share Their Story

  1. Wow, I could so relate to this. I, just like you, starting sharing my writing with people and have floored by the positive responses and encouragement I have gotten. I find when I share my painful moments, people can relate and I don’t feel alone. I don’t to carry it all by myself and maybe by reading what i write, it could make a difference in someone’s life. Writing is the best therapy because you can see it written ( the good, bad and ugly) and being able to make sense of it instead of being jumbled in your head. Sorry for the long response but I really related and I loved this post. Keep up the writing and thank you for sharing your feelings with the world; we need it.

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  2. Tremendous post, James, but then again… Your writing about mental health awareness is awe inspiring.
    This was the exact reason why I started my blog. I needed to be brutally honest with myself, in order to share my journey with others. It is terribly important to Break The Stigma surrounding Mental Health.
    God Bless you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love this post, such an important message! Writing about my personal journey with mental health is definitely something I’m trying to approach in the next year, blogs like yours are an inspiration. I look forward to seeing where your blog goes in 2018!

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  4. Mental health awareness is exactly what you are doing. Yeah for you. I have globus hystericus. Try to find that. You won’t they’ve taken from the big book. Seems Freud isn’t getting the recognition for his work that he deserves. I have never been ashamed or embarrassed about my hysteria, but I do get an eye raised and weird looks from my therapists. Not one has known what it is that I have or what to do about it. I was diagnosed by a regular MD 30 years ago and then had to step into alternative mental health options because of their lack of knowledge. God Bless you in your new direction. I wish I could help monetarily. I’ll remember you when I hit that lottery. Wait you have to buy a ticket, I’ve never done that. So I’m sorry. But you have my blessings and I look forward to see where you’re going with your new venture.

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  5. For people with mental health issues, the most important thing to write is their truth. Doesn’t matter what the subject is. Doesn’t matter if anyone else understands what they write. What’s important is for them to get their words out.

    As for the wonderful community members (like yourself) who work to raise awareness, the most important subject I can think of is to discuss the issue of supporting someone with mental health issues. It’s not easy. Many try, do okay for awhile, but then they get frustrated. Angry. And the situation explodes, because they’re not trained to handle it. Unfortunately, that’s really detrimental to someone trying to claw their way out of a private hell. It’s not the carer’s fault, nor the fault of the person with the problem. But it needs to be talked about and dealt with – on BOTH sides.

    I see a real need for a push to support the supporters. Give them groups, safe places to talk about how THEY feel dealing with a depressive or a bipolar or whatever else. They need a place to learn how to diffuse various situations, talk to their loved ones. They need a shoulder to cry on when they feel like they’re not making one bit of difference in the world. I realize some of what I’m talking about is probably out there – but how accessible is it? There are too many stories in the community of spouses and friends walking out because they’ve had enough.

    Yes, we need to hear from the people dealing with mental health issues. But we also need the flip side.

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    • You make a great point, and one that I haven’t seen a whole lot of on WordPress. I think the idea of having a place for those who support people like us is good. It would give them a safe place to talk about their side, which is important to both sides of the equation. I will think on this and write a piece that will raise awareness for the other side of the equation. Great suggestion!

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  6. I completely agree. I just started blogging a few months ago, and was nervous about writing about anxiety. I didn’t think anyone would want to read about something “negative.” But I’m so happy to see so many people blogging about similar subjects. It’s SO important for us to support each other and educate those who don’t know the struggle.

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  7. Totally agree. Keeping negative thoughrs to yourself allows them to grow and worsen. Talking about things, realising you’re not alone, even laughing about our own ‘wierdness’ takes the power away. An anxiety community is something that a huge amount of people would benefit from!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Weekly Wrap-up 12/4 – 12/10 – The Bipolar Writer

  9. I’ve been thinking about my blog today. Recently I’ve written some of my history and coping skills. But I think I’m doing an injustice to seeing the whole me if I don’t write about some every day life stuff – you know the funny things, the things I’m excited about, the moments in time that mental health isn’t a fight to stay in control.

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  10. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post. My husband is bi-polar, and it has been a tremendous journey to get where he is today. Reading your story yet gives me another insight on the condition. Fight On!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you so much for writing about mental illness and sharing your experience. I deal with depression and anxiety, but only recently have I written about it. People will say, just exercise more and get outside, which I do, but it’s so much more than that. I look forward to reading more of your work!

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  12. With being so new to this, having joined yesterday, I wasn’t sure I wanted to keep it. For some reason I couldn’t figure out how to delete the profile and when I finally found the option, my computer crashed.
    So I left it alone, figuring I would deal with it later. After a stressful day, I came home and starting reading some posts and found yours.
    After reading it, I wanna keep writing. I wanna stop feeling ashamed. I wanna keep sharing.
    Your words left me speechless and gave me strength.
    Thank you

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  13. I have no problem sharing my story. I feel the same way. The more people who share the less stigma, the less scary it seems for others. But until we can get to a little easier place, where its a little more accepted, I have to remain anonymous, or as anonymous as the internets will allow me to be. The funny thing is that where I work we are constantly telling people to speak, share their truths, all the buzzwords. We don’t practice what we preach though. We don’t take care of each other. We seem to find it easier to belittle each other, bandy about the words “crazy” or “weak” when we should be saying “how can I help”.

    So until someone earnestly says to me “how can I help” I have to remain anonymous. I will just have to keep sharing my story my own way.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks! I would really like to see educational organizations change attitudes. In my field we work with students all day every day. We tell them all the time that we are there for them. We give them a ton of resources to help them deal with their mental illness. But it’s our attitudes towards each other that have to change. The same people who have talked students off proverbial ledges have left me and others on ours or jeered at us for our weakness, our being too sensitive.

        I always think that they would never in a million years tell a student that they were weak or ignore them and the signs. But to co-workers it’s a whole other story.

        We have no mandatory trainings in place for mental health awareness. I believe firmly that if we have to have annual sexual harassment training and the like we need to have a mental health awareness training. Let’s educate people. Let’s get them to start believing that mental health is as serious as cancer and diabetes.

        Liked by 1 person

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