My Mother Had a Massive Stroke

The Bipolar Writer Needs Your Help.

On Friday night my mother had a massive stroke and her brain is bleeding. it is really bad and I have been numb for days. It has not gotten better over the weekend and we will know more on Monday which way it will go. If you have followed my blog or read my book you know how important my mother is to me. Please keep me in your prayers as my family deals with this situation. I will update the blog later in the week when I know more, thank you. I will not be writing much in the near future and all blog posts from me, James, and series will be on hold until I find my way back here.

I have setup a GoFundMe page. Anything you can help for my family will be amazing. My mom is my life. James Edgar Skye, and Tne Bipolar writer blog and memoir was only possible because of her.


30 thoughts on “My Mother Had a Massive Stroke

  1. I am very sorry. You and she are in my prayers. My heart is there with you. Please let us know how she does. Please take care of yourself during this time. Eat, stay hydrated. I hope someone is there with you.


  2. oh my God! I am So sorry to hear that!! I really hope she gets better real quick. Sending loads of prayers and the best of wishes your family’s way!


  3. Lord Jesus move in this situation and take all the glory from it. By Your stripes we declare healing to her brain and body right now.

    Use her life to showcase the power of prayer, unity and faith. We give thanks in advance for what You have already started to doing from the moment we started praying.

    Make the impossible possible as You do what only God could do. Save this life and draw this family and all those connected to them even closer to You in Jesus name, amen.

    James I know this is difficult for you right now but hang in there. Keep praying and trusting that God will see her through this.


  4. This has touched me, seeing you express what your mother means. I hope you all can stay strong for each other, just take it one minute, hour at a time.


  5. I’m so sorry to hear about your mother, James. Both of my parents have passed away, so I know from experience just how tough it is to lose a parent. It’s such a rough time of your life to have to go through, but know that you don’t go through it alone. I hope you are able to grieve in whatever way you need to grieve. Remember there is no “right” way to be at this point, and let yourself do whatever you need to in order to look after yourself and your family. Be kind to yourself.


  6. I feel devastated after hearing this… I can’t even imagine the pain you are going through…
    All I can do is pray

    And all I can say is that :
    Just be as brave as she has taught you to be!

    I’m very sorry, Your family is in my prayers…


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