What I Learned in Six Months of Blogging

So I was asked a lot lately how I got here. Over 50,000 views about 3900 followers and I always go back to this post that was originally posted January 5th of this year. So I wanted to update a little bit and reshare some of the things that have made by blog semi-successful.

What I have Learned Blogging

Its been over six months since The Bipolar Writer went live. I have learned so much and I wanted to impart some of my wisdom. I am by no means an expert in blogging, but I have done a lot six months. I have reached the end of the year goal of 2,000 followers towards the end of December, and its been climbing ever since. I am at a little over 3900 followers at the beginning of March. My blog is one that is a shared experience, how to guide, and things I think are relative to my blog’s theme of writing to end the stigma surrounding mental health and to end the idea that suicide is an answer.

It has also been a great place to share the stories of others. You can find my collection of interview features in the following page.

Interview Features – The Series

I have been asked a few times by email what has worked for my blog, and I usually just reply to the email. I thought it would be good to write about it in a blog post.

So I thought why not share my experience in blogging over the past few months. Maybe there is something that you will learn that will be helpful on your own blog.

1. I have learned first and foremost to be myself. I write each blog post about my experiences by letting the reader into my life. I write about my experiences surrounding my diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. I am sharing my triumphs and losses. Always be honest and people will keep coming back to your blog.


2. Getting an actual domain name is very helpful. I have gotten many followers because I have a domain name. If you are serious about blogging then you can find the $99 price tag for a domain name and the premium themes that come with it. It was the best thing I did.

3. Use free photo sites like unsplash.com to add color to your post. In my opinion, adding photos will help your post feel more like a home to the reader. Also, it’s important to note to always give credit for the photos you use. The website I talked about gives you all you need to do just that in your blog post.

4. You can add Grammarly to your web browser so that you edit your post on WordPress. It’s a great free tool to have because even when you think you have edited at your best, you can still miss things. You can go with their premium service but it’s not necessary.

5. In my experience, the Hemingway App is a great tool for writing blog posts. It’s not the greatest of proofreading tools but it tells you when you are using passive voice which is important to writing good quality posts. It also allows you to post straight from the app to WordPress. I paid the $19.99 price tag because it’s a useful tool. I never used the actual free version (if there is one I don’t remember.)

6. As a writer, I like to have as many tools at my disposal when writing. One app that has been amazing for me when I want to free write a blog post is Ulysses. For me when I just need to write its the best place. It also connects to your iCloud so what you have on this app is functional on your computer, your phone, and iPad. It’s my best functional app. I can write a post on my phone and it will automatically be on my computer. It’s great for taking notes when you are out and have an idea.


7. Try your best to answer all comments. Its the connection to your readers that will get them to come back to your blog. The stronger the connection the more they will feel at home on your blog.

8. This also goes the other way. You should take time to read the blogs of others. I admit I don’t do this as much I would like, but the better connections you make, the more people will come back to your blog. I admit lately I got sidetracked by how much I have going on in my life but it means the world to connect with other bloggers and make a real connection.

9. Make your blog post and blog reader friendly. My first two attempts at writing a blog my posts felt too much like WebMD. It was too technical and not really my goal. Share your experience your way. That is all that matters.

10. Set aside time to go to the Reader in WordPress and find blogs that you find interesting. Follow them. Leave a comment. Become a part of the what ever community you are blogging about. When you become a part of something your blog has purpose.

11. One thing that has helped my blog personally is to add contributor writers that way the content here on The Bipolar Writer stays fresh. It might be something to look at or you can have guest writers/

This is all I could come up with in my own experiences. Always be yourself and your fellow bloggers will come to love your blog. It takes time and dedication, but I know you can do it!


J.E. Skye

Photo Credit:


unsplash-logoBen Kolde

unsplash-logoAndrew Neel

unsplash-logoCourtney Hedger

39 thoughts on “What I Learned in Six Months of Blogging

  1. Thank you for this post! I’ve been looking into ways of increasing views, and I thought that slimming down my niche might help, but this has given me quite a bit to thank about. Very informative! And congrats on doing well with your blog! 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for sharing these insights, James. Grammarly and Hemingway are great, useful to know about the WP integration for the latter. My version of Ulysses is “Calmly Writer”, which is free & integrates with GoogleDrive.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! Your blog is skyrocketing – that is so good for destigmatising mental health. There is so much mis/lack of understanding about it. To share your experiences and personal story is a powerful way to do it. And you have hit the nail on the head with how to blog successfully. I must admit, I am an IT neanderthal so don’t use apps – don’t know how. I bumble along best I can 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your kind words. I will admit my last two blogs didn’t go anywhere. I learned. It took a class as part of my degree last year that really helped. I am a app guy, I love it when all my apps works together. It’s different for everyone.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you very much for all this information, and believe me I need all the help I can get. As I am from the BC age (before computers) I don’t understand how do you go about having a new domain and what it really means? If you have some time to spare it would greatly appreciated. Peace Lawrence

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  5. Pingback: Great read – It’s OK

  6. Inspiring! Thank you! I have started blogging in January 2018 and I keep reminding myself that writing regularly is key if you want to see your blog getting better. I work together with my husband and I proofread and edit all our stuff. I should say Hemingway app is really good for battling passive voice. We are both non-native English speakers/writers but I always try to do the best job I can and make our writing good. Congratulations on your constant growth! It’s great to see a blog dedicated to mental health gain such an ongoing attention.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This was actually really helpful! That’s a huge following in such a short space of time…I’ve only just started, 3 posts in, and those numbers seem way too large for me to even think of. A depressed girl can dream haha. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

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