My Fifth Honest Post

I love writing a series of honest blog posts. These posts are all about writing about what is on my mind a lot. Being that this is the first honest post of 2018, it has an extra special place on my blog.

Here a couple of my past blog posts in this series:

Part Four

Part Three

Part Two

So Let’s Get Started.


I have been super busy. Writing. Blogging. And then more writing and blogging. Next week I start what will be one of my three remaining terms before getting my Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Writing with a specialization in Fiction. I will have minored in journalism, screenwriting, and political science. My journey to reach my goal of getting my bachelors degree is so close to its end. Its been a long one, but being able to really taste the end for the first time, it just means the world to me.

My plans after getting my first degree are to take a small break, maybe two-four months before starting on my eighteen months long Master’s program.


I have been doing better in the area of social anxiety and my overall anxiety. It’s true I am just skating by during the winter months hoping that Spring will come early. I do spend most of my time in my safe place of home, but things are changing. I always feel better about dealing with my anxiety and depression once Spring turns into Summer.

It has been about a week and a half since my last panic attack and I feel better that it’s under control for the moment. I think my new Ativan dosage is helping but I don’t know in the next couple of months that it is truly working. Still, I am hopeful that I will get my anxiety under control.

I am thinking of taking the payment button off my blog at least for now. There have been so many people donating to my blog, and it means the world, but I am falling short of my goal of enough donations to buy a new computer. This will be the last post I will add a button. It looks like I will be looking at buying an iPad Pro instead, so rest assured those you who have been amazingly donating anything you can, it won’t be for nothing.

My memoir The Bipolar Writer is coming along greatly. I didn’t even think how much I have been working towards this singular goal. There is still more on to and chapters to expand on, but what has been written so far has grown as I have used this blog to really gauge what works. I have been editing a few chapters a day after writing. I am hoping to get everything done by the end of January for a first draft.


I can’t believe we are just six days into the new year. It has already gone so fast. I am laser focused on my writing. I am been looking at publishing my memoir myself (self-publish route) or going with a named publishing house. It’s crazy because I know a lot about the publishing, industry,  but I am having trouble knowing where to go for my memoir. Is it too soon? Should I find out more after I complete the first draft?

I sometimes wish there were two of me right now. It would make life a bit easier for me. That way I could have one James working on school work and the other writing full-time. I already write and do school full-time, but it would feel nice to actually have time for it all.

But I do my best. I wake up each day ready to tackle another problem.

Lastly, I am going to focus on selling my screenplay again since the start of the New Year. I need to find an agent first, and then I can go and get help to sell my screenplay. I will try to go the manager route as well and see what happens. If anyone knows an in for an agency, any agency that is taking new screenwriters, I will be forever grateful.

This week has been great to me and it feels great to really start 2018 off the right way.

How are your first week’s coming along?

Always Keep Fighting

J.E. Skye

Photo Credits:

unsplash-logoAndrew Butler

unsplash-logoDanielle MacInnes

unsplash-logoTamarcus Brown

unsplash-logoAlfons Morales

40 thoughts on “My Fifth Honest Post

  1. James, just so you know, if you go the publishing house route, you’ll have to take any drafts of your memoir off the Internet. I know from experience that literary journals/magazines consider work to be already published if it’s *anywhere* online. I imagine the publishing houses feel the same way. Just a precaution, but obviously, it’s your choice.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A very interesting post. It captured my interest because I too would like to publish under my pseudonym and it’s always a dream that it would be made into a movie! My first week has been spent on realising how far I’ve come in my illness. Slowly I heal.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m also working on a book, although it’s more like half memoir, half autism education, half ‘self helps’. Huh. That’s more than a hundred percent. Guess there’s a reason why I’m a writer. My first week of the year has been slow, thanks to an poorly timed bout of the stomach flu. Now that my brain is working again, I’m jumping back into writing feet first! Congratulations on the beginning of the end of your bachelors!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. My first week has been COLD. Bitterly cold. Like… 1* cold. And no snow. But multiple nose bleeds- so we broke down and got a humidifier. I feel like so much has gone on this week and very little time to handle it all. You know there’s the whole actual life thing, mommy-ing and marriage and working and chronic illness. Then I picked up knitting as a hobby. I finally sat down and completed my entire outline for my own little memoir bit, instead of just focusing on one bit. I started a new book…

    Leaving very little time for actually blogging. I believe this is the first time in a few days I’ve actually been on. Thank goodness for the queue huh?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love that the new year has been treating you well and extremely happy you are progressing in such a great direction! Keep writing! Some of us really need it😊 happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi James!
    I must say, you are one of the best writers in the world of writers. I LOVE each an every post of yours. I am fairly new on WordPress, but the way you write, it instantly makes me connect to you and your experiences.
    You are truly amazing! 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      • I have an emotional issue. Very long story short, I get caught in a loop of writing and being excited about writing, then around 5000-9000 words, I dump it. I get these uncontrollable thoughts of how uneducated I am, talentless, worthless, and feeling like a child could write better than I can. I become depressed and don’t write for a long time.

        But, writing is like an addiction to me so eventually the cycle starts all over.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. This is my second day as a blogger, if I can be called such after only 2 posts, and I am happy to have found yours early on. A couple things, I received a double major in Creative Writing and English, Followed up with a Master’s in English, which I finished in Fall of 2015. So good luck on your journey! I would definitely get with the Creative Writing Director in regards to using your Memoir as a final project(just think of all the good criticism that your piece will have by the end of Grad School!) Thank you for your honest post! I hope to find more writers like you to help me get out of my anxious little comfort zone and build on my “glorified hobby”, aka Master’s degree.

    Liked by 1 person

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