The Cure for Depression

Step right up, folks! Step right up!

Come feast your eyes on this marvelous tonic; right here, right now. What you may think is a simple bottle is actually the most secret of formulas from the Jungles of the East; from the hand of Marvelodijiling, the famed Healer and only man to live past 200 years of age without a health problem of any sort.

This is The Cure for Depression.

It is, indeed. You may shake your head at me, madame. You may wonder at the authenticity, young sir. I assure ALL that this product is exactly as it says. One simple dose each day will GUA-RAN-TEE to rid you of the woes of Depression.

Labelled glass bottles with various powders and liquids

…And if that sales pitch convinced you, then you and I need to have a long talk.

Actually, we can have a really short talk: Depression doesn’t work like that. For one, it isn’t “cured.” It is, however, a condition that CAN be managed once you learn the skills. This depends on the severity of symptoms and genetics and a whole crapload of stuff that would best be handled by a professional.

I am not a professional; at least, not that kind. I am merely a fellow sufferer with access to Google. I have, therefore, come up with a list:

1. Connect with a human.

2. Connect with a paid human; also known as a counselor, psychologist, therapist, and perhaps a psychiatrist.

3. Swallow that pill, if necessary.

4. Get up, then move.

5. Get outside.

6. Eat something healthy.

7. Do something that brings you real joy.

8. If it doesn’t fit in with #7, do something for someone.

9. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

10. Sleep, at sleeping times. Wake at morning times.

11. Follow a routine.

12. Meditate, pray, journal, etc.

13. Don’t get sloppy and skip what works.

14. Never give up. (Never surrender.)

Whenever you’re in your cave, I’d like you to pull out this list. Grab one; do it. Maybe steal another after an hour of trying the first one.

Furthermore, I’m gonna help a brother/sister/broster/sisther out by writing individual articles about each of these ideas. It’ll be a tetradecalogy. Stick around; eat some chocolate.

Come for the treats, stay for the community, and always keep fighting.

unsplash-logoMatt Briney

62 thoughts on “The Cure for Depression

  1. Pingback: The Cure for Depression: Tip 1 – The Bipolar Writer

  2. Pingback: The Cure for Depression: Get a Paid Friend – The Bipolar Writer

  3. Pingback: The Cure for Depression: A PAID Medical Friend – The Bipolar Writer

  4. Pingback: The Cure for Depression: Swallow That Pill – The Bipolar Writer

  5. Pingback: The Cure for Depression: Get Outside – The Bipolar Writer

  6. Beautiful advice.

    One thing I’ve used to help those suffering from depression is to point out habit of thought. Chronic mentality is such a powerful tool to shape our lives. People with the weight of depression are assaulted by a life full of negativity. Things never seem to work their way. Little inconveniences pile up to be an unbearable life.

    Yet, these things can be made to vanish. Noticing happier details, happening upon them, all of these things change when the habit of thought changes. So much is possible.

    I find that those who suffer the most are the ones with the deepest and most powerful hearts. Which means, if they can be shown their power, they are capable of profound love. Profound compassion.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. This was an excellent read!

    Generally healthy habits tend to make a lot of difference. Excercising and eating clean, avoid processed foods, having a positive image of yourself!

    If anyone’s interested in short story a about similar issues please check out my blog.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I live with a rare Hereditary Neuropathy as well as Depression. The D loves to feed on the struggles of my disability. My writing is aimed towards that as well.

    Very good read and info! Following and sharing!


    Liked by 3 people

  9. Pingback: The Cure for Depression: Eat Something Healthy – The Bipolar Writer

  10. I would also add – get tested for antibodies. I ended up being treated with intravenous steroids for my severe depression and it did help. Depression can be due to brain inflammation. I have autoimmune, but it took quite long to diagnose it.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. This is great! I started out thinking that you were going to say something about exercise or going outside or something, but this is very real and a very clever approach. Keep up the good work. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Your post is reflecting my thoughts on every mornings when I just wake up. Do this, do that. dont stay in bed! I have been diagnosed with depression some months ago, and I hardly try to fight it on daily basis, through all possible methods I could hear about. I even went to see a shaman! 🙂 Would love if you could read my blog, I am trying to detail my daily experience as much as possible. I am currently in Bali, so I am lucky because first the environment, and the spirituality on that island.
    Cheers, G.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I also do not feel like getting up or trying some mornings. The list is not to overwhelm, but to help have some direction in the hopeless cloud we tend to sit in.
      I am happy to hear about your experience with a shaman, and will definitely read your blog.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Hi Chelsea, there are different type of healers in the island. I met one only for now, and I am disappointed as it was more like a spiritual session (meditation, talk to your spirit..). I have 2 healers to visit, but those guys are busy. They almost do this for free (we still give some little money, the amount is up to us). But I mean that if they are busy with their ceremonies and families, they won’t be available for you. I have some good hope to see 2 Balians (thats how we call them here) this week and then I’ll be able to write a post about it.
    FYI, I just posted about my experience with stopping the ADs, since I started herbal medicine. Maybe you want to have a look, and eventually tell me what you think. I know most of us are sceptic with such medicine… Just sharing my experience. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Pingback: The Cure for Depression: Never Give Up, Never Surrender – The Bipolar Writer Blog – A Mental Health Blog

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