The Masks We Wear in Mental Illness

This is an in-depth look at a chapter in my memoir. I wrote a short post about this subject and I extended the post to really explore the subject.

An in Depth Look at my Masks in my Mental Illness Life

The masks we wear in our mental illness hide the real people that we are inside. I have spent most of my life hiding behind the many different masks that I wore to protect myself from feeling my emotional pain in front of the world.

One of the most common themes in my life is the mask that I have had to wear throughout my diagnosis and even the masks before my diagnosis. The mask, or even masks, were the result of trying to hiding the demons that I was fighting internally both spiritually and within my own mind.

When I put on a mask it was to make it seem, if only for a moment, as if I was as normal as any person standing next to me. My mask was always a happy facade that people had to buy because I never let anyone inside see the real me.

The mask has changed over time, but it really just changed because of the situation that I found myself in. I think one of the issues that make men and women within the mental health community wear their masks is that there is such a harsh stigma about the people with mental illnesses.


So much judgment goes with having a mental illness that it is just easier to hide who we really are to the outside world. I can remember people telling me, “well why can’t you just get better. The rest of the world has to get up and do things, why can’t you?” Often, when I would post on social media how I really felt, it would garner negative reactions which made me turn even more inward to hide behind my mask.

One of the worst things is when people say is, “why can’t you just be normal?”

Since my early teen years, I saw this stigma on mental illness on a daily basis. People around me made fun of “those people” with mental illnesses and it scared me. I did nothing about it in my own life of course, and I even went along with the teasing to try and fit in with the crowd. I just didn’t understand my own private suffering and failed to see that perpetuating the stereotype of mental illness was my own way of hiding.

As a teen, people who thought about suicide or self-harm were looked at as outsiders and I was one of them. At the time I didn’t believe that people could get depressed. I was that young, even though I was dealing with depression on the daily basis, I just didn’t understand. One of the first masks that I wore was that of a normal teenage kid.

This version of myself did what normal kids do, I had friends who were normal and I was as active as an introvert could be in school. I joined a group of teenagers called the Sheriff Explorers (an offshoot organization of the Boy Scouts that involved law enforcement) and I was active in the activities weekly because my parents wanted me to do something productive. I had to be normal on the outside but I was always a mess inside. My mask was very good at hiding the real me.

I was even good at becoming a part of the group, and I even became part of the leadership of this group moving through the ranks quickly and making the rank of captain of the organization by the time I was eighteen.

At times it came naturally to be this version and wear this mask, but for the most part, it was a front because there were so many days I felt not normal, so much on the outside.

So I pretended to be a part of the group. I made it seem as if everything was perfect in the outside world and it made me feel good that when people looked up to me they didn’t see the mask, but it was there. They saw what I wanted them to see.

When I aged out of explorers and lost the leadership position it was hard to let go of this mask. I think at some level I loved the power I had when people looked up to me. The way people talked about this great person I was even though inside I was screaming with emotional pain. I could be someone else for a time, something I often felt when I put on my mask. It hurt and it is no surprise when I lost this mask and I had to deal with my emotional pain my depression spiraled into my first suicide attempt.


As an adult, I continued to wear masks. The hard worker mask was always my favorite mask. This version of me was always early to work and always worked hard. The praise I got from my bosses and co-workers only helped the mask become more defined. I could hide who I really was for eight hours a day, only to be consumed by darkness every night. I didn’t mind wearing this mask because it gave me the ability to leave my house and do things. I could go for long drives to clear my mind or go to the beach and watch the waves or the people living their lives. I often isolated myself as an adult, but I did things with people at least once a week like going to the movies to “feel something.”

When my life changed after my diagnosis my mask became a reason to lie to people. When I attempted to commit suicide for the first time I had to create a new mask. This version of myself told people “I am okay. It was a mistake.” I told that to my doctors, nurses, family members, and basically anyone who would listen. The mask helped me reconcile the fact that I was in so much emotional turmoil that I couldn’t let people in, and it became my shield against dealing with the pain.

In my mind, I was getting really good at hiding who I truly was to others and it showed in the fact that all three times that I tried to commit suicide in the first three years of my diagnosis it was a surprise to my family. It was less a surprise that I was capable of doing such unspeakable things, my family came to expect it from me, but the timing was always weird. It would be after spending time with my family as I lulled them into thinking that things were okay. I would go to my doctors’ appointments (which were always accompanied by my mother during this time) and talk about wanting to improve and get better. It was always a lie and yet another mask I would wear. I got really good at hiding my emotional turmoil in my mind.

I have talked about the years I lost with my depression cycles especially early on in my diagnosis. I even lost a year and a half between the last time I worked and my first suicide attempt. I think the only time I ever took off my mask was those moments where I could be alone. I found that role-playing games became a great place of solace for me because I could be someone else for a change. I could be the hero in the story where in my world I was the guy who was always depressed and liked to fail at committing suicide. The mask would come off in those hours and though my emotional pain was strong I could deal with my life for a time. It’s possible that this was just a different version of myself again because I never dealt with my issues until after my last suicide attempt, and even then it was years before I could write about my life.

I never imagined I would be a place in my life where I would be able to talk about my mental illness or the masks that I wore. One of my favorite masks, only because it was really tragic, was the boyfriend mask I wore in my relationships. The last relationship that I had been in the middle of one of the worst depression cycles in my life. I tried to be the good boyfriend. I bought her things and spent time with her. We had a good relationship, but when I was diagnosed the mask became heavy. Pieces of the real me starting to seep through the mask. My girlfriend saw some of the real me and I panicked. I ended the relationship with my girlfriend and closed myself off from letting people become a part of my life.

It is so hard for me now to even seek companionship now because I am afraid of showing all that I am. Even as I write my memoir, my relationships have always been the hardest to write about at this moment. I haven’t had a relationship in ten years because I am afraid— afraid of letting people into my life. I’d rather be alone where I am most comfortable. To the world, it’s another mask I wear.

I never wanted the world to see my weakness when it came to who I am when I get depressed or even manic. I can only speak for myself when I say that my masks were there to protect myself from the world seeing my emotional pain and that has been my best friend for most of my life. At my weakest moments, I hid from the world because it was a familiar feeling.

It was about three years after my last suicide attempt that things started to change in my life. It started small. When I came to the realization that suicide was never the answer to the issues I became more open to my psychiatrist. When I was finally able to get a therapist, I found that I could be open in a controlled environment. It was never easy, and even now almost three years into my time with my therapist I still keep things hidden from her. I have been willing to be more open and take off the many masks of my life. Just recently I talked to her about a friend who asked me to help her do something unspeakable and it was tough to talk about, but I found a way.


I have learned to be better and more open to the world about who I am with my family, my therapist, at times by many psychiatrists. The blog that I write, and of course with my memoir, has been my way of shedding my masks over the years. It took me years after my last suicide attempt to get to a place where I could open up.

I only started to get better when I removed the mask and let people in. In my mind, I still wear pieces of my many masks. In a way, it shattered when I finally opened up about my life. I can say the more that I write here and be open to my readers the more the pieces of the mask disappear. The more I can be effective the better I feel.

I know how wearing a mask in your mental illness can be a means to hide from the real world. The reason I decided to write about the masks that I wore in my life is so that those of us in the mental illness community can start to take their masks off and share their experiences with the world. I think the more open that we are with the world the better the stigma on mental illness can start to change. It gets tiring to hear mental illness only talked about when there is a tragic mass shooting and the people involved being “mentally ill.” It matters to me that this is how parts of the world see people with mental illnesses.

What I have learned in my experiences is that there are so many people hiding in silence behind the mask simply because it is better to not have people “fix them.”

For those who know people with a mental illness be understanding that it takes time to remove the masks that we wear. My people, those with a mental illness, are good people. I have met so many people willing to remove the mask but fear what that means in their lives. People tell me, “if only more people understood that I can’t just get better instantly” and I understand that feeling to want to hide behind a mask.

It became easier the more that I write about the masks that I have worn in my mental illness. It is liberating to no longer always have the mask on. There are still times where I feel the need to wear the mask but it is much thinner than it used to be. Someday it will be gone. Maybe when I have finished sharing my life in this memoir with the world.

Always Keep Fighting.

James Edgar Skye

Photo Credit:

unsplash-logoMax Bender

unsplash-logoJohn Noonan

unsplash-logoTevin James

unsplash-logoTom Roberts

52 thoughts on “The Masks We Wear in Mental Illness

  1. I empathize.
    I wish I could say there will be someone who will love each part of you that you hate about yourself… as that’s what I tell myself all the time, but I’m still struggling with the same.
    I do believe that there will be someone who will love every side of you, every mask that you wear/wore and you’ll feel okay with taking them off. I believe that for you because I believe that for myself.
    Beautiful story and photos.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: The Masks We Wear in Mental Illness — The Bipolar Writer – International Badass Activists

  3. Hi. I never read long posts but this is the first, because I myself experienced the same thing. I am glad that you realized things that you should. It’s good to know that at some point, there will always be someone who will understand you. I love your work. Keep on writing. Sometimes we need an outlet on how to unveil our masks, we need a safe on where and when can we truly be ourselves. But this one thing I assure you, there will always be someone, maybe not many, but someone who will see-through your masks and will never be afraid to be with you no matter what, masked or unmasked. Love your work. Keep on writing.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. I can relate very much. While I am not bi-polar, I do have anxiety and depression issues, as well as identity issues due to being an Adoptee. The part about fb not dealing well with those who express negativity and those who have mental illness issues…..I couldn’t agree more and this has bothered me so much. I am so irritated by the constant deluge of sunshine club posts that make everyone look like they live these perfect lives on “Fakebook”. It only serves to make those who are real feel even worse when we can’t be as perfect as they are and live up to all that they accomplish in one day. And so many people don’t want to acknowledge realness in posts. I don’t even think I am really negative. I am just more of a realist who takes things very emotionally, and people can’t handle that. It is very disheartening.

    Liked by 3 people

      • I have taken several breaks from Facebook in the past 2 years and have been minimizing my usage since. That is also why I developed this site. This is actually a secret site, as in only one person who knows me in real life even knows of this page of mine. So I can feel free to express myself however I choose. And I have definitely noticed more people on here seem supportive of my views as well. Because it is a blog, I also notice that people are more supportive of lengthiness as well, which suits me better as well. As I’m sure you have also found as well. If fb posts are more than 3 lines, you tend to get ignored. It seems here that people enjoy writing themselves, and as such, will also read longer blog posts as well. I have been very sporadic over the past year writing here, but I think I am going to become more active here. Good luck to you with all of your screenplays and books. I look forward to more of your posts!

        Liked by 2 people

      • I write under a pseudonym here for the same reasons. But propel in my life know about my blog. I hope you find a place to be more open. I know it’s never fun to share your past and writing anonymously is good and therapeutic. I use Facebook mostly to post videos I like that’s about it. I don’t share on my personal page anymore. I use my authors page to help this blog and that’s about my extent of Facebook for me these days

        Liked by 2 people

      • That’s great that you are able to let people know about your blog here. I could probably let some people know about it, and probably will at some point, but I’m not ready to just yet. At some point I probably will need to get used to people potentially be hurt or angered by things that I say because I have a book that I intend to write that is basically a memoir of my life but will be written with names changed and such. I have all the material in my head, since I obviously lived it. I am fleshing it out little by little on a fb site as well and gathering all of my ideas for the novel as the ideas come to me, so that I can start to formulate my thoughts when I am ready to actually begin writing. And many people will probably be hurt and angered by the things I write in my memoir, even though they are simply the truth.

        Liked by 1 person

      • A memoir is a good idea. I am close to finishing my own. I am going to self publish. I rare used names in my memoir and when I did I changed the names as well. So I understand that some people might not like what you write.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Very cool. Have you allowed anyone who is featured in your memoir that might have details that are painful or something that puts them in an unfavorable light read it yet? I’m curious if you have what their reaction has been and how they have taken it.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: The Masks We Wear in Mental Illness — The Bipolar Writer – Lolitha Lounge Express

  6. Pingback: Depression and Anxiety Journals – The Bipolar Writer

  7. Pingback: The Masks We Wear in Mental Illness – The Bipolar Writer – International Badass Activists

  8. I’m glad that you liked my blog entry and that I could find this blog about this, really. I just read the whole post because the title was already something I started a bit in my own, probably confusing, post. I can’t even say how much I relate with all the things you said. I made myself thousands of masks over the time and I still hide behind some of them. I really try to be more open and less an actor over the day but it’s hard when you’re already shattered so much that you doubt everyone and almost every action they do, even when they are nice to you. It really takes a lot of time and hard work before I really open up although I’m already okay with talking about that. In the end, I just talk ABOUT the masks – doesn’t mean I can’t wear one while talking about it. Although I don’t lie. I had to smile when you mentioned roleplay games because that’s exactly the same thing I have found and which I still use to get out of this world from time to time. Thank you so much for this article! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

      • Same. Although in my case it’s now more roleplaying on Twitter, with my own characters. But I remember, whenever I started such a video game, I played for hours. It’s really hard to stop when you actually don’t want to come back…

        Liked by 2 people

  9. Lovely post James, this resanats so much with me, the masks iv worn because of being mentally ill and being Transgender, you’re experiences of hiding behind the mask are alot like that of transgender people, your part about being single is just like me but I’ve been alone for 20+ years as I haven’t wanted to bring anyone into the mees that is my life I’ve always felt it would be unfair to them. ❤️✌️



  10. For depression, I have used the fake it mask. This where I fake my smile and happiness, but inside broken. Those who really knew me well though, knew what was on the outside, was not how I truly felt. But only a very small few could tell.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This may have been a long post, but I couldn’t stop reading. So very easy to relate to. “Well why can’t you just get better. The rest of the world has to get up and do things, why can’t you?” Yeah, some days it’s just not going to happen. Other days, you get up and do things but you don’t really feel like you. But no one can see it because of the mask…

    Liked by 1 person

      • The majority of my friends and family know that I have a diagnosis, and may have even seen some of my struggle. But if I were to really go into the details, I fear that they wouldn’t understand. I’m blogging anonymously for now, but I definitely plan to share my posts with people I know eventually, and maybe even “come out” on the blog. What I’m trying to say is, I applaud you for having done so already

        Liked by 1 person

  12. I wouldn’t be able to fully empathize on your shoes, but I’m glad you were able to remove your own mask. It takes much to do so. That I would know. I simply wish people would forget about normal and not, and think that everyone has a place. Geeks, pretty, and everyone else are unique and they have their proper places. I hope the path you are taking would be the best one for you now.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thank you for this. I always feel embarrassed or ashamed to tell people I have mental illnesses. It’s such a normal thing for me to take 4 pills every single day but I often forget that isn’t normal to some people. It sucks to have to feel this way.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s a tough thing because there is so much that people don’t understand when they don’t deal with a mental illness. It isn’t normal for some people. At least we can discuss and maybe educate people.


  14. Cheers to your authentic self, thank you for sharing so openly! I am still in that process, and wear a mask when I feel I need to, but it is less frequent these days, and only with certain groups.

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